1.Our warehouse has been unlock and ready for receiving. If the seller says that it cannot delivered for epidemic area, can inform seller or the logistics company that our warehouse has been unlock, and it can be delivered as long as the green code within 48 hours.
2. If still cannot delivered, please change to warehouse address as below:
EGC/Username, Yongping Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, A2-1 (xx) Warehouse, No. 21, Songyuan Shanzhuang South Street, Tongtai Road (xx = West Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak, Thailand, Singapore, if you want to send West Malaysia Just fill in the West Malaysia warehouse, Sabah = Sabah warehouse, etc.)
Complaint Tel: 15889911218
Recipient: EGC/Your member name registered in our system
Tel: 18024071192
Postcode: 510000